Squash Orchestrator 1.0.0.alpha2 Release Note
Squash Orchestrator is a set of micro-services to perform automated test execution workflows described in a specific format.
This release note describes the changes of Squash Orchestrator version 1.0.0.alpha1 compared to 1.0.0.alpha2.
Squash Orchestrator 1.0.0.alpha2 was released on March 16, 2021.
Major features of the release
- Create Planned Execution "as Code" (PEaC) in a Json or YAML to orchestrate executions of your automated tests outside a test referential.
- Exploit following actions in yours PEaC:
- Manage branch when cloning a Git repository
- Launch Cucumber tests
- Launch SoapUI tests
- Launch Cypress tests
- Generate an Allure report based on all execution reports from a PEaC workflow execution
- Send Allure report to a Squash TM instance to be attached to an Automated Suite
- Squash TM Generator "Dry-run" mode: Squash Orchestrator does not execute tests of a Squash TM execution plan but generate execution results based on a list of execution reports given by the user.
New micro-services introduced by the release
Cucumber report interpretor service
Service to extract execution results from a Cucumber type xml report.
Cypress report interpretor service
Service to extract execution results from a Cypress type xml report.
SoapUI report interpretor service
Service to extract execution results from a SoapUI type xml report.
Allure Report Collector
Service to generate an Allure report based on execution reports created during a PEaC workflow execution.
Cucumber action provider service
Service to allow Cucumber test related actions inside a PEaC.
Following actions are supported:
- Execute a Cucumber test
- Specify a tag to execute
Cypress action provider service
Service to allow Cypress test related actions inside a PEaC.
Following actions are supported:
- Execute a Cypress test
- Generate environment parameters
SoapUI action provider service
Service to allow SoapUI test related actions inside a PEaC.
Following actions are supported:
- Execute a SoapUI test
Inception service
Service to execute PEaC isntructions on a "fake" execution environment in order to send execution result message with the attachments given as arguments by the user.
Evolutions in existing micro-services
Squash TM Generator service
- Generic:
- Send Allure report to Squash TM at the end of a Squash TM execution plan execution
- Support of "Dry-run" mode
- Can generate workflow messages for SoapUI Test execution
- Can generate workflow messages for Cucumber Test execution
- Can generate workflow messages for Cypress Test execution
- Can generate workflow messages for Git clone action with branch and authentification information received from Squash TM
Git action provider service
- Can specify the name of the branch to clone
- Can retrieve authentication informations from the execution environment for connection to the scm server